1. Grimshaw’s GREYFLAX THE JAZZ SINGER TO JAMALISON Well-grown puppy of 7 months, with much promise and maturing along pleasing lines. Admired his beautiful head and expression. Dark eyes and correct bite. Pleasing length of neck into good shoulder. Strong bladed bone down to well-knuckled feet. Pleasing depth of brisket and correct topline. Shapely quarters with well developed 1st and 2nd thigh. Moved confidently with free striding gait.
2. Francis, Blatchford & Helps BEARDSWOOD STRAHAN another lovely quality puppy of similar age, also with much to like and maturing well. Masculine head of pleasing proportions. Dark eye, strong underjaw and neat ears. Good length and strength of neck into well-laid shoulder. Pleasing frot assembly and depth of chest for age. Broad bladed bone, good legs and feet./ Strong loin, pleasing topline and shapely quarters. Long, well-covered tail. Pleasing profile from all angles. Shall follow the progress of both these youngsters.
1. Parsons & McKinnon FINLAS AT CLAONAIGLEN Standing alone, but worthy of his place, this attractive youngster of 13 months has many breed qualities and desired characteristics to admire and is maturing along very pleasing lines. Loved his head, dark eye and overall masculine outlook. Scores in front assembly, depth of brisket and pleasing ribcage with ribs carried well back. Good bone and tightly knuckled feet/. Moved soundly and easily, covering the ground with long strides, in harmony with handler. Should have a promising future and shall follow his progress with interest.
1. Taylor’s KILBOURNE USHER TO ORMANSTAR Very attractive male, 2 years, of lovely type and with many breed qualities to admire. Liked his head shape and good eye colour. Strong neck flowing into good shoulder and return of upper arm. Desired bone substance, strong shapely body and nice rise over the loin. Excelled in well-developed quarters, muscular 1st & 2nd thighs and plenty of freedom in his hocks and really drives from here. Crisp jacket. Well handled to show his many virtues to advantage on the move. Res Dog CC.
2. Lewis’ LUCKHURST NAIRN close up to winner, he is a dog of pleasing overall quality, presenting an attractive overall outline. Good head proportions, dark eye, neat ears and strong arched neck. Well-laid shoulders, good depth of brisket and correct topline. Strong, bladed bone down to knuckled and well padded feet. Powerful, shapely and well developed quarters, used to advantage. Well presented, crisp, harsh coat.
1. Owen & Brodie’s LUCKHURST NEBO TO WOLFSCASTLE elegant hound, quite finely built, yet retaining strength and masculine outlook. Good depth of body, well-sprung ribs, pleasing front and topline, well-laid shoulders, strong neck and attractive head of correct proportions. Dark eyes and soft, neat ears. Broad and powerfully built quarters, with long sweep from hip to hock. Moved out well and holding his topline extremely well.
2. Stabb & Taylor’s GREYHAWKS ROMANIE KALO another attractive hound, close up to winner in most respects, and has breed characteristics required. Liked his head, eye and expression. Sound front, good body condition, nice reach of neck, correct well knuckled and thickly padded feet. Balanced and curvaceous body lines. Pleasing development of hindquarters. Covered the ground with effortless ease, in harmony with handler.
1. Morton & Morgan’s CH.COTHERSTONE SHOT AND STEEL ShCM Beautifully proportioned male of undoubted overall quality, with excellent balance overall and presenting a superb outline from all angles. Super head piece, darkest eye, strong, slightly arched neck of correct fore chest and deep ribcage. Impressive topline, powerful, shapely, muscular quarters. Covered the ground effortlessly. True both ways, thick dark coat. Delighted to award hi Dog CC and BOB.
2. Wilson’s HAMILTONHILL FRED D MERCURY another attractive exhibit, who was unlucky to meet winner in such excellent form. Liked his masculine head, dark eyes and neck, folded ears. Strong neck leading into pleasing shoulder. Straight front and correct bone. Well knuckled and well padded feet. Excellent topline and powerful shapely quarters. Long tail, well carried. Moved out well with long, ground-covering strides. Coat harsh and well presented.
PUPPY BITCH 6/0 – lovely class of delightful youngsters
1. O’Brien & Quinn’s ARACETA BUTTERFLY impressive youngster of 10 months. Loved her in all departments as she has all the attributes required to succeed in her future career. Excels in head, eye and expression, with totally feminine outook. Neatest ears, strong neck, good front, ideal shape of body and nicely balanced overall. Elegant yet with desired strength of bone. Good ribs, nicely arched loin and well angulated quarters. Moved soundly and confidently. Best Puppy in breed.
2. Robertson’s CHUILINN BERENGARIA another lovely quality of puppy of 8 months and elss mature, but with much to admire in breed characteristics and type. Lovely feminine head, dark eyes and neat ears. Correct rfront, good legs and bone and knuckled feet. Good ribs and topline. Shapely and powerful quarters. Moved with confidence and drive.
3. Taylor’s ORMANSTAR CHERRY BLOSSOM well presented puppy, also with much to like and who also should have a promising career ahead.
I shall follow, with interest, the careers of all these youngsters.
1. Day & O’Brien’s CELTICMOON SHADOW HUNTRESS ultra-feminine hound, who appealed greatly in all departments and who is maturing along pleasing lines. Admired her beautiful head, of correct proportions, with dark eyes and neat ears. Good front assembly, pleasing topline and shapely quarters. Well developed 1st & 2nd thigh. Stands on good legs and feet. Moved soundly with long, free strides, in harmony with her handler.
2. Gillie’s DORRATOR GARVEY very sound, elegant and well presented hound, yet workmanlike with plenty of substance throughout. Would prefer slightly more refinement in skull. She has pleasing length of body, balanced by good depth and presents a pleasing profile. Strong, flat boned legs, tight feet and good width of 2nd thigh.
1. Taylor’s KILBOURNE PANDORA TO TALORPECHE a beautifully balanced and elegant hound, of undoubted quality, with many breed characteristics to admire. She is so well balanced overall, presenting a pleasing picture from all angles. Correct front and rear assembly, superb depth of brisket and gentle rise over the loin. Strong, shapely and well muscled quarters and flat bone. Covered the ground easily and won this strong class on her excellent movement.
2. Tresh’s LYNDORTHWIN ETHEL GREY Quality hound, very shapely and presenting a pleasing and balanced picture. Very feminine head set on elegant neck. Good front assembly, pleasing ribcage and length of back. Excellent width at hips and powerful quarters. Movement a pleasure to watch.
3. O’Brien & Quinn’s ARACETA DAYDREAM BELIEVER another very attractive hound with many qualities to admire and completing a trio of lovely bitches.
1. O’Brien & Quinn’s HODDINGREY TERRONA my find of the day and just loved her in all departments. She impressed me greatly with her well shaped body, so well constructed overall, presenting such a balanced outline. Loved her most beautiful head, expressive dark eyes, neat ears, strong neck of good length, well laid shoulders and sound front. Stands on good bone and feet. Pleasing topline and desired strength of muscular quarters. Excellent freedom of movement. Delighted to award B.C.C.
2. Stuart & Holt’s REGALFLIGHT CIVET Soundly constructed hound, with feminine outlook and pretty headpiece. Good reach of neck, sound front with good bone. Pleasing depth of chest, lovely arch over her loin. Shapely quarters and good tailset. Moved out with drive.
3. Wilson’s HAMILTONHILL ONE VISION another very pleasing exhibit, with breed characteristics in abundance and completing a lovely trio of quality bitches.
1. Bailey’s GREYFLAX JUST PEACHY A lovely quality bitch from the top drawer, with so many qualities to admire. She is a picture of elegance as she powered around the ring, using her strong quarters to great advantage. Admired her beautiful head, feminine outlook, dark eye and soft expression. Long arched neck flowing into good shoulder, straight front with desired flat bone. Deep brisket and excellent topline. Super length from hip to hock and pleasing 2nd thigh. Bitch RCC
2. Pursglove’s STRANWITH ARIA AT ROGUESMOOR ShCM Another quality exhibit, very elegant and feminine with pretty head and dark eyes. Neat well set ears. Well balanced overall, front and rear angles correct, very shapely and elegant yet could do a day’s work. Moved effortlessly with long strides.
3. Morton & Morgan’s CH.COTHERSTONE DUCHENNE So much to like. A beautiful hound, full of breed type and qualities, showing curves in all the right places and moving very well with reach and drive on her strong legs and well knuckled feet.
1. Tresh’s TRENTDALE GLAMIS OF LYNDORTHWIN Beautiful lady of 7 years, and presenting a pleasing overall picture and is of excellent breed type. Very feminine head, neat ears, strong long neck and pleasing lay back of shoulder. Straight forelegs down to well knuckled feet. Correct topline and good depth of brisket. Strong muscular quarters with pleasing second thigh. Good width across her rear, gentle rise over the loin and correct tail placement and carriage. Moved effortlessly round the ring with long, ground-covering strides. Liked her a lot! A noteworthy ambassador for the breed.
1. Wilbraham’s ARDLANCIEN ELONA Very feminine exhibit with sweet head and soft expression. Quite good bone substance and shapely outline. Pleasing rise over the loin and muscular hindquarters. Long, well-set tail. Moved out confidently, wishing to please her handler.
Typed from handwritten submission by Judge P Mottershaw |